Nine Reasons Why Costa Rica Surf is the Best in the World

Besides the fact that it has consistent waves year round, whether you are just learning to surf or you are considering the pro circuit ;-) Costa Rica is by far the best place to surf in the world.

Here are ten amazing things about Costa Rica surf:

1. Wave variety

Costa Rica has a wave for every skill level, from beginner-friendly rollers to adrenaline-pumping barrels. We have access to six of the best Costa Rica surf beaches. Our instructors will ensure you are on the right beach for your skill level.

2. Safety first

It's a known fact that with sandy bottoms and no rip tides, Costa Rica is the safest destination in the world to surf.

3. Welcoming, present locals

Live life! It's the Pura Vida way. Costa Ricans live in the present moment and love to show off their country to visitors worldwide. You will always feel welcome whether catching your next wave or window shopping on the streets of Jaco. "Pura Vida" is a greeting, a thank you, and a goodbye wrapped up in one lovely sentiment.

4. It's a Garden of Eden

Surfing in Costa Rica is more than just riding waves; it's an immersive experience in a lush rainforest paradise with abundant wildlife and mango fruits literally dropping from the trees as you adventure around the resort.

5. Abundant wildlife

Keep your eyes peeled while paddling out, as you might encounter dolphins, whales, sea turtles, and manta rays. The lush rainforests along the coast are home to monkeys, sloths, iguanas, and countless colorful bird species.

6. Sustainable tourism

Costa Rica is a leader in sustainable tourism. We embrace this ethos at Surf Synergy and give back to the local community in many ways, including holding local markets on-site.

7. Delicious, healthy, sustainable foods

The cleanse you have always wanted to embark on happens with no effort as you indulge in foods sourced on-site, just down the road, or straight out of the ocean. Your body will feel alive and invigorated after eating continuously healthy, unbelievably delicious meals.

8. Choose your adventure

Surfing is just the beginning of your Costa Rican adventure. Wander around sublime rainforests, stand up paddle board, horseback ride, or revive yourself at the spa. You choose your adventure.

9. Unforgettable memories

Costa Rica surf is more than just a sport; it's an experience that will stay with you forever. From the perfect waves and stunning scenery to the friendly locals and Pura Vida vibes, Costa Rica will leave you feeling rejuvenated and inspired.

So, what are you waiting for?

Grab your board and book your ticket to Jaco, Costa Rica, at Surf Synergy – the perfect waves and Pura Vida lifestyle await!

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Or you can call us on 720-363-5961 at any time.


11 Fun Facts About The Top Surf Retreat in Costa Rica